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Eric has physio
Well, following 2 dissapointing outings in the dressage arena, i took it upon myself to have Erics yearly MOT brought forward, I heard about a physio practice called "Jenny Hadland" through one of my clients who had very good results with her horse following a twisted pelvis.
So after registering with the practice Eric had his first visit last week, "thank you" I could hear Eric saying as "Natalie" one of the practice Physios, treated him.
It appeared that Eric was seriously stiff behind the saddle area and had a locked pelvis, that would explain his behaviour as he was actually trying to tell me it hurts!
Well at least I know no!, Natalie used a machine on his muscles to make them tense up to their maximum then relax again, this machine (a bit like a "tens" machine), was used in several areas for about 20 minutes.
After the machine had done it's job, Natalie then applied her techniques and freed up the stuck pelvis, this could only be done once the muscles had relaxed.
Following his treatment I walked Eric out of his stable again and this time you could actually hear the difference, his hooves were making an equal noise and his backend was now following the front!
Well after a couple of days rest, I can now gently work him again, WOW what a difference, I think Natalie has given me a newer version!
Eric is due a review on Wednesday but hopefully he will have improved enough to go out competing again very soon....
Thank you Natalie from a happy horse and owner..

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