
Being a sponsored rider and another year...

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Ongoing Support..

2014 saw the addition of some superb sponsors and support for me, Nettex, Kilminsters Equestrian and Pet Supplies, EquiAmi, Macwet and Promotion Designs.

Their support was so appreciated, with fabulous products, clothing, equine wear and much more, I couldn’t have asked for more!

Being a supported rider is without doubt a massive privilege, which comes with responsibility too. When a big name puts their name together with yours, you are representing both them and you, no matter where you are, or what you are doing!

It is not everyday you acquire support, but these fabulous companies gave me an opportunity I will always be grateful for.

As 2014 drew to a close, I knew the deals would have to be reviewed before a 2nd year were to be offered, so a deep breath and communications were made…

I can now proudly say that every company has indeed continued their support for another year, for which I am sooo happy!

If you want to find out more about any of my sponsors and supporters, please click on their link below…. for superior quality Equine and Farm animal products which go beyond being good! More than just another pet store, excellent value, superb range of animal and pet supplies. Gloves that really do their job! A lunge aid with a massive difference, once tried, you won't look back! Personalised clothing and equine wear.

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