
Another show another rosette..

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Last Sunday the 2nd September 2012. We ventured out with the Jamaras Ponies again, well I say Ponies, it ended up being just Dawnus again as Val seems to have a reoccurrence of her sore leg.

The show in question this time was the Hampshire Hooves Showing Show, which was held at the Manor Equestrian Centre in Ower, Romsey.

This show held some upsetting memories for me as it was the last resting place of both my beloved Eric and Pepsy, and driving in I could still see them both in my mind, however, I am sure they would have been cheering us on.

Hampshire Hooves is a Facebook group who has over 2000 members, it is hosted by some fabulous people who began running some small events to encourage its members to get together. The group is very active and there are many varied discussions taking place daily.

As we only had Dinky to fly the flag for us we entered the small breed M&M class which was strongly supported by many Welsh A's. The judge, Malcolm Fry, an experienced judge and exhibitor of New Forest Ponies, gave good helpful advice to the many younger people showing, and gave everyone his full attention.

The show was held in the indoor arena so the going was very good and in fact, I felt Dinky gave her best performance. She floated and was with me all the way.

Dinky HH Show

After our performance it was the wait for placings, the end result was the same as the original call in, so we were 4th. On presentation of our rosette Mr Fry said we were too fast! Well, as a New Forest exhibitor, he was obviously taking his own breed into consideration.

We were pleased with our show so, if all I had to worry about was giving Usain Bolt a run for his money, then I am happy with that!

Receiving our Rosette

Next week we are at The Romsey Show, only Dinky will be out as Val has been ordered to rest for the rest of the season. This will be our first county show so watch this space.....


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