
Reflections of 2012

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Reflections of 2012

With 2012 drawing its final breaths, I find myself reflecting of what was, what could have been and what perhaps will be.

It is no secret that 2012 has given me a rough ride, with the occasional high point.

Not being a person who lives life to wallow in self pity, although I certainly feel I have good reason to if I so wished! I look back to January and feel joy, February too, March ok, April good, May Erm, June Arghhh, July Yuk, August picking up, September an improvement, October a backward step, November going forward, and to here, December, where it is on a par with October!

There you have it, my year in a few words that speak volumes.

So what happened? Last year I offered sponsorship to a rider who fulfilled the criteria, over 100 people applied, the winner (not chosen by me) was Nicola Strong (Nicki), Nicki ticked every box we required, had 2 horses, so there was “back up” should there be a problem. The 2 horses were Willo and Ruby. Willo was the main concern with Ruby being a baby, she was ticking over in the background, while we focused on Willo’s competitive side. What started off as a great year, wins at SJ and XC, dressage began to improve, we had all the right things covered, then from nowhere Willo began to show us a different side to him, a side which we had us scratching our heads at the reason WHY, WHY was he doing this? We had other professionals, both riders and physios etc in to see him, no one could answer. So with deep regret the partnership between Nicki and Willo came to an end. Nicki gave Willo every opportunity and no one would have been as patient and determined as she had been.

So moving on, we had Ruby ticking over, who had been having some physio trouble since a fall very early in her life, no one to blame, just an accident. She had been making massive progress, but the one sidedness continued so as we speak she is away being investigated further. We hope she will make a good recovery and continue making the progress she was before. Another testament to Nicki’s determination to do the very best for Ruby.

During June I had a bit of an untimed dismount, rendering me useless! After a very scary time, I am now making progress with the odd setback. So I guess that is in both the highs and lows category?

After my fall, I had to review very carefully what my future would hold. I could not ride due to the injuries sustained.My hopes and dreams for bringing the fantastic Monty on and start Affiliated dressage with him was gone. So I looked at my options, not to be defeated. I made a decision to return to breeding ponies again, so our Jamaras stud was resurrected. Currently we have 2 mares, 1 due to foal in April, and a gelding. (I know, you can’t breed from a gelding!) This is firmly in the Highs category!

As I am still not 100% “sound” I find myself doing a lot of written training, offering advice on all equine related matters, blogging, increasing the facebook “likes” and twitter “followers”, running competitions and organising clinics and events. So plenty to keep me busy! Another high point.

So although the year started off good, with lots of hopes and dreams, it took a dramatic turn mid way, and now I feel we are starting to rebuild and look at what next year can hold for me personally and Kilminster Equestrian as a business. Some more highs and future plans.

So what are the plans for 2013? With the stud growing steadily, we are looking forward to a foal in April, my other mare will go to stud in Spring, while the gelding will begin the starting process. Lots there to be getting on with. Along with the stud side, we shall continue to show the ponies in hand.

The teaching side of Kilminster Equestrian will continue to grow, offering more clinics and events. There are also a few other ideas currently under construction!

Personally there are a few options currently being explored, but for now the main focus is to be 100% sound and pass the “vetting”!! No puns intended.

As I review this, it does seem there have been many more highs than lows, but even throughout my recovery there have been reasons to be happy and hopeful.

I have been so very lucky to have the support of friends and family during 2012 and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Wishing all my friends, family, clients (old, new and future), a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.





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  1. When life gave you lemons, you made a gin & tonic! Well done on a fab year, some great achievements, the resurrection of Jamaras Stud, and a massive growth of Team Kilminster. Thanks for your support over the last year, here's to many more! xx

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