
Setting up in retail

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As you may already know, we operate a shop on our website. Why? Well, quite simply it began with wanting to offer you products which we use and trust, have very good results with and make it easier for you to get hold of them too.

This has escalated into a blossoming online retail store!

I have always been an advocate of Feedmark and Hilton Herbs as I have used them for many years, however, I then got to see the benefits of Maxavita and more, so I thought it was right to add these too, and so the journey began.

We now have a big variety of products currently on our shop page with many many more in the wings awaiting their uploads, in fact, we have everything you could want for your horse or pony, dog and cat! (It just hasn't all made it onto the site yet!)

Along with horse and rider tack and clothing, we offer feed and haylage too, so we feel we have every area covered!

If there is a special item you require,please just ask as we should be able to get it for you.

And don't forget, you can now pay via card too!


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