Training Philosophy

I use very clear, easy to follow methods - which work, Under no account is force applied, or unnecessary pressure put onto the horse, ensuring the horse learns in a way it understands and more importantly, enjoys! The same can be said of riders, if a riders has aspirations of jumping a 1.2mtr course but shudders at a cross pole, then we need to establish a way to achieve that goal, ensuring it is fun along the way!

Riders are coached according to their way of learning, some riders need to “do” some need to “listen and be instructed” while some need to be “shown”, always leaving them with a very clear idea of what they are aiming for.

Due to years of experience coaching, I have been able to apply the right method to each rider, ensuring the rider thoroughly understands the requirement being asked.

Although training is a serious subject, I believe that training should not be forceful or regimental, the horse as well as the rider should be enjoying their training!

Nervous riders are one of my specialities, I work closely with the rider to encourage them to step outside their comfort zone incrementally, therefore building the riders confidence. For this type of rider, there will be a degree of discussion to begin with, to try and find the core of the fear, as often the REAL cause is often overlooked and the underlying symptoms are therefore not addressed.

I am very encouraging and rewarding, at the same time positive and direct in my approach, ensuring results are achieved in a positive way for both horse and rider, no matter what their level.

You are never alone, even though I may not be there, I am always available to discuss any issues you have or need to clarify something via the phone or internet 7 days a week. Competing riders are followed up after an event to ensure continued progress, and accompanied if necessary to help warm up etc.

My Values

  • Confidence boosting – I believe in taking small steps to add up to a big difference. Nervous riders are a speciality, as I draw on my own personal experience to strike the right balance of encouraging the rider to stretch themselves and not pushing too hard. This means my riders and horses always have a good experience whilst continuing to grow and develop.
  • Understanding – Every horse and every rider is an individual, so I don’t believe that one size fits all. I cater for a variety of learning styles, and always try to talk your language.
  • Consideration – I have experienced a lifetime of being around horses, and learnt to think in their terms. I intuitively consider the reason for certain    behaviours rather than addressing the problem to ensure long term solutions, and never just a quick fix.
  • Approachable – I am a friendly, open and positive person. I have excellent working relationships with my clients and am passionate about helping them to achieve success. In every situation I see a platform to build on.
  • Innovative - Thinking outside the box! Sometimes you can ask a question and the response isn’t the one you want – so try a different question. I believe in finding the right approach, not just the first one.